Room 16 Maungatapu School Predator Box Project
Our class decided in term 2 to give something back to the Team at TCC for the fantastic learning opportunities we experience while on a Discovery Day. The students had seen the wooden trap boxes on visits to McLaren Falls and Mauao, so they wanted to be able to make and donate some to TCC. The term 2 focus for writing was persuasive, so I integrated this into the classroom programme by getting the kids to write letters to building companies, persuading them to donate materials to make the boxes. We studied the bird life on mauao and incorporated some information about them into the letters. They were beautifully published and sent off with a copy of the trap plan. We were very excited to receive replies from 3 companies, including Mitre 10 Mega ion gate Pa, and Tauranga Placemakers. We received enough materials to make 22 boxes and proudly presented them to Van Taylor from the Discovery Day Team. The senior school will be visiting McLaren Falls next year the the students will be able to see their boxes in action!!!